Wednesday, 9 March 2011



Hermes said...

So many levels to this great picture - and the light is just wonderful.

Kranky Granny said...

Love everything about this shot. But, I like the mystery of the untold story the best.

ADRIAN said...

A grand image. Worthy of wall space anywhere.

Rune Eide said...

I couldn't find the tin can :-) , but that doesn't matter since I found quite a lot of other very interesting things about this photo.

Chuck said...

Man-made color against natures color...quite a showing.

The Retired One said...

I love the perspective in this shot. Hate that they grafitti'd it as I love clean, sparkling nature...but it is a really neat juxtaposition.

T. Becque said...

Looks like a nice green space beyond the tunnel. Neat angle.

Lucy Corrander : Photos said...

Hello Hermes. I was lucky with the light. The afternoon was uncertain but, when the sun came through in bursts it had the beginnings of warmth in it.

Hello Rita. I agree about the untold story - but, under this particular bridge (maybe under most) it would be a plural - and most of them sad.

Thanks Adrian.

Hello Rune. The can . . . that is the trouble with the new version of Blogger - you are able to post bigger pictures but you don't get the detail when you click on them as you did with the old one. The camera was actually focused on an abandoned beer/lager can. It is right in the centre of the picture and looks like nothing other than a stone here but in the 'original' it is part of the 'story'.

Hello Chuck. I think, in this example, humanly made colour and nature's are complimenting each other surprisingly well.

Hello Retired One. It's a funny feeling, isn't it, when you know you disagree with / disapprove of / dislike something yet, despite yourself, something none the less appeals?

Hello T. Becque. The area around the bridge is lovely but I wouldn't necessarily want to spend too much time either under it or in the bushes slightly beyond. The empty drinks can (which doesn't show up well in the photo) plus old clothes and bits of bedding which are sometimes abandoned here, point to the less comfortable sides of our existence.


Anonymous said...

Interesting colors. Regarding the graffiti on the signs, it might be territorial because I've only seen the 'pictures' in a small area. Or it might be younger kids that do not have access to transportation.

Dimple said...

Love this, the contrast between the woodland and the bridge graffiti is great!

I really like your work!

Lucy Corrander : Photos said...

Hello Woody. I didn't stop to examine individual elements of this grafiti. I will have to go back to see more.

Hello Dimple. Pleased you like Message in a Milk Bottle. Thanks for becoming a follower.
