Tuesday 11 September 2012


Coca-Cola can and small green plant in kerb beside houses


ADRIAN said...

You at the top of your game. A grand image.

Andy said...

You can't get any lower than that.

Anonymous said...

As ubiquitous as McD!

Christine H. said...

You really have to have a good eye to anticipate how that might come out. It was a big success - a very intriguing photo.
It brings up a question for me. I have always spelled that thing at the edge of the street as c-u-r-b. Now I'm curious if these are just two possible spellings or if there are regional norms.

Lucy Corrander : Photos said...

Thanks Adrian - and I enjoy your counter-point Andy.

Hi Toffee Apple - they may be ubiquitous but they are also cheerful. I quite like coming across bright and shiny, empty beer cans in isolation.

Hello Christine. Both spellings are possible. Although spell checks object to 'kerb', I get more Google results for kerb than 'curb' so, assuming the searches are regionally biased, I imagine 'kerb' is more common in the UK than in North America. (?) Rightly or wrongly, I use the spellings in different contexts - curb for curbing enthusiasm, putting a curb on particular actions or tendencies . . . and kerb for the division between the road and the pavement.

Kranky Granny said...

I understand that the world is getting smaller everyday thanks to electronic media and continual advancements in travel etc. But, for some strange reason I still get a surprised reaction when I see such American products like Coke displayed in another country.

I already knew the information you gave Christine about the spelling of Curb and Kerb none the less the Kerb spelling caught me attention first thing.

Your photo just shows that littering is sadly, not just an American problem.

Lucy Corrander : Photos said...

Hi Rita - littering is definitely not just an American problem! Funny one's associations between products, companies and countries. Idiosyncratically, I associate McDonalds specially with the USA and think of Coca-cola more internationally because of its use of water in places like India.

Sean Bentley said...

Hi Lucy,
I love this one.
Thanks for your comments on fstopbentley.blogspot.com!
I certainly "relate," as they say, to your eye for the small, the unnoticed, the "humdrum" that is in fact fascinating.