Wednesday, 31 December 2014


Bedraggled feathers standing upright in seashore debris

If you are able to zoom in - a spider is weaving a web on the top right of the grey feather.


Susannah Anderson said...

Spiders are indefatigable. And optimistic!

Susannah Anderson said...

On my own blog, I get asked to provide proof that I'm not a robot these days. On your blog, at least it believes me when I click the "I'm not a robot" box. No proof required.

Somebody's gone and "fixed" the software again. :(

NCSue said...

Striking photo.
Stopping by via Angie @ Yangchep.
Hope you'll share at, and have a wonderful 2015!!

NCSue said...

Striking photo.
Stopping by via Angie @ Yangchep.
Hope you'll share at, and have a wonderful 2015!!

Lucy Corrander : Photos said...

Hello Susannah. Have answered about the robot thingy on your blog. The spider: I was standing several feet away from the feather and zoomed in. Then only once I had zoomed in on the picture on my laptop did I see it. So many little creatures going about their ordinary lives without us noticing.

Hello Sue. Pleased you've found Message in a Milk Bottle.