Tuesday, 30 December 2014


A fan of red tendrils spread open on white sand.

It could be made redder, clearer, crisper . . . less ethereal. But it's winter - and this is how it looked; striking but not brash. People who know about such things is the red of the weed staining the sand as the tide goes out? Or is the patch below it coincidence?


Anonymous said...

Or maybe Rudolf forgot his headgear?

Taken For Granted said...

Love the pattern and textures in your photo. Don't know much about sea weed, so can't answer your question.

Lucy Corrander : Photos said...

Rune - yes! How silly of me not to realisd.

Hello Taken for Granted - I like this kind of seaweed when the tide arranges it in this delicate way - and the way the water leaves marks on the sand as it recedes.

Happy New Year to you both!