Sunday, 4 January 2015


Gorse flower - close up showing prickles and buds.
November 22nd 2014 - but gorse flowers all year round.
Flower and prickles.


Tim said...

I like your comment message! Also, a lovely photo of gorse. I don't know if you've ever eaten the flower, but (to me at least) it tastes like the skin of an apple.

Lucy Corrander : Photos said...

Thanks Tim.

I'll try eating a petal.

One of the best home made wines I've tasted was made from gorse flowers. Unfortunately the friends who made it decided never to make it again. It took too long to collect enough flowers - and the collecting was too uncomfortable.

Anonymous said...

It smells of coconut too.

Anonymous said...

I never knew what they looked like, never having lived where they grew. Thank you for the photo, it's beautiful and so is the flower. When google started popping that verification in there in spite of my saying not to, I moved my community blog to WordPress, where all my other blogs already are. It's very annoying! But I'm not blaming you. I know who the culprit is. Sometimes I have to click for 7 or 8 times until I can get one of those that I can read. That's ridiculous!

Lucy Corrander : Photos said...

Helo Toffee Apple. The smell in summer is delicious. And the sound of gorse popping is the smell of blue skies and heat.

Hi, Desertquilts. Gorse is a tremendous bush when in flower. Not so beautiful when not. It can cover acres and acres of rough ground so in the right season the colour can be breathtaking. One disadvantage though is that it catches fire easily. It grows back fine but as well as fires, being dangerous, the large, blackened spaces left where the gorse has gone can be unsightly as well as dramatic.

Re. the 'I am not a Robot' thingy. I've found blogs still accept my comments even when I don't click it - so I tend to ignore it now.

Tim said...

I can understand why they decided not to make it a regular thing! Sounds like it was very tasty though.