Hi Angie. Unfortunately it was used as a broom before it could be determined whether it was a lawn or a field. It's not clear why either kind of grass should grow there. It's in a garden with plants and trees but no lawn, there are no fields nearby nor does the resident keep birds. (Bird seed can sprout if not eaten.) A mystery!
Holy cow! It's growing?
Hi, Andy. Yes - growing! The owner went away for a few days, leaving the broom upright against a fence - and it was like this when they returned!
Wheat grass?
Hi Angie. Unfortunately it was used as a broom before it could be determined whether it was a lawn or a field. It's not clear why either kind of grass should grow there. It's in a garden with plants and trees but no lawn, there are no fields nearby nor does the resident keep birds. (Bird seed can sprout if not eaten.) A mystery!
Cool shot, Lucy. Grass/weeds, grow in the weirdest places. A little dirt, a stray seed of two and some water...and magic!
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