Wednesday 6 December 2017


Netted Christmas trees in a shelter outside ASDA in Pudsey, West Yorkshire

Despite how it looks, it was already getting dark.


Pat Tillett said...

Very nice! Is that how Christmas trees are sold there? All wrapped up?

Lucy Corrander : Photos said...

Hello Pat. They are netted to make them easier for people to carry and to fit better in cars for taking them away. Once home, you take the net off and the branches spread out again.
You can also buy Christmas trees still growing in pots - ones you can plant out in the garden after Christmas (or keep outside and bring back indoors several years running - until they are too big).
A new one on me is sharpening the base of their 'trunks' so they can be stuck upright into slices of wood and arranged so people can walk between them to see more clearly what they are choosing. I posted a photograph today of a garden centre where they've done that.

I expect there are plantations where you can buy them directly from the grower (perhaps in Scotland?) - but in England we mostly buy our trees from supermarkets, garden centres and out-door markets which spring up in December specially for selling Christmas trees. Greengrocers used to sell them too but there are few of them left now.