Friday 23 February 2018

WHAT KIND OF WILLOW? (Is it a willow?)

Fluffy willow branches

20th february 2018


Susan said...

Looks like a willow to me! I have no clue about types, and definitely about types in Europe.

Anonymous said...

Whenever the catkins were on it, we called it Pussy Willow!

Lucy Corrander : Photos said...

Hello Susan. Toffeeapple has suggested the tree next to it might be a hazel - which would be interesting - so I will need to go back and see when the leaves come out. I'll check up on this one at the same time. Indeed, since they are on the edge of a wood I should perhaps go back quite soon - while light is still coming through the branches to see what other trees are there too.

Lucy Corrander : Photos said...

Hello Toffeeapple. I'd been thinking 'pussy willow' referred to a more delicate kind of willow. But maybe it's any kind of willow when it looks like this?