Wednesday, 3 November 2021


Autumn leaves on grave. External remains of the old St Paul's Church, King Cross, Halifax. November 2nd 2021

The old St Paul's Church. King Cross. Halifax, West Yorkshire.
2nd November 2021


Taken For Granted said...

After studying graveyards it is interesting to see how many children are there before vaccines became common. After vaccines there are few children's graves.

Lucy Corrander : Photos said...

Hello Taken for Granted. That's an interesting connection you've made there. Have noticed how many children used to die very young - and how many were given quite elaborate gravestones - but hadn't previously thought of associating this with lack of vaccines. It would take a bit of extra research to fill out this idea as the memorials don't tend to say why the children died but the more I think about it the more sense this makes.