Sunday, 9 March 2025


Knives and forks drying on rack.

 March 9th 2025

Have no idea why I decided to post this photo here after a long gap - but here it is!

By the way, I'm on Bluesky now - click


HappyMouffetard said...

I love those old knife handles. Takes me back to Sunday teas with my great aunty.

Taken For Granted said...

Yes, the common tools we use while feeding ourselves. Fine still life.

Lucy Corrander : Photos said...

Hello Happy Mouffetard. These bone handled knives are the ones we used when I was little. I don't know whether my parents bought them when they got married or whether they were pass-ons from their mothers . . . good chance of the latter . . . so I reckon they are at least 75 years old. Don't know how much they cost when they were bought but whatever it was . . . it was a very economical purchase!

Lucy Corrander : Photos said...

Hello Taken for Granted. These small things of daily life create wonderful patterns for us, don't they. Thanks for your comment.