Sunday 19 May 2019


I am out of hospital but will return for a stem cell / bone marrow transplant when and if a suitable donor is found.


Susan said...

I wish I were close enough to be tested. I hope someone in the family or someone you know matches.

Lucy Corrander : Photos said...

Thank you, Susan, for you kind thought that if you lived closer you could be tested as a potential donor. I think the relevant register(s) are shared between the UK and Germany. However, there is transatlantic co-operation - some of my bone marrow samples are sent to the USA as part of ongoing research.

Susan said...

Do you know where I should go to check into that? I know there are donor centers everywhere, but I don't think they are all trans-Atlantic participants.

Lucy Corrander : Photos said...

Hello Susan. Sorry I am not able to recommend how you are able to offer to donate bone marrow in the USA.

The co-operation I was talking about is to do with research. I am taking part in a drug trial - I don't know whether I am taking the real medicine or a placebo. Samples of my bone marrow go to various research centres to be tested and one of these is in the USA.