Thursday 16 July 2020


Stone steps with hand rail between stone walls.

With handrail.


voyageoftheeye said...

Shocked! This could almost have been one of my comments on the current world where human crafted features are abandoned almost like megalithic wonders we could no longer build...

Lucy Corrander : Photos said...

Hello Coline. I think we often have a similar way of looking at things.

With the troubles you have had with your blog - could you not start a new one that works properly? (Or have you already done that but I haven't come across your new site yet?)

voyageoftheeye said...

Hi Lucy, The house and garden has taken up all my life during these strange times somI have not yet got round to thinking about a new blog so you have not missed out. What shocks me is that after half a century of being obsessed with photography google has almost put out that burning fire...

Susan said...

Oh, I hate reading about Coline's feelings re: photography post google issues. I hope things change for her. In the meantime, I think this is a wonderful picture. It makes me want to find the stairs, climb them and see what's up there. The fencing or gate, whatever it is, tied on with the blue wire makes me even more curious, while the even rows of block give me a sense of peace and comfort. What a photograph. Another one I'd hang in my home. =)

Lucy Corrander : Photos said...

Hello Voyage of the Eye. Don't give up!

Lucy Corrander : Photos said...

Hello Susan. The bit of fence is tied across where the wall of the steps is cracked. It's not the only place in the area where broken stairs have been 'made safe' like this but left un-mended.
As for the top and the bottom of the steps . . . these steps lead up from an old mill complex called Dean Clough in Halifax. You can see some of the buildings there if you look at the post 'The Wild Side of Town' on my other blog
A short distance from the top of the steps is the cobbled street where the abandoned chair is
That Loose and Leafy post also takes a brief look at some of the plants in between the cobbles.

Susan said...

Thank you! I will check those out, too.