Saturday 15 August 2020


Headless chicken lying dead in the street with wonderful white feathers and feet.

13th August 2020.
Although it was sad to come across this dead and damaged chicken in the street . . . it's not often most of us get the chance to examine a chicken's feet. Do take the opportunity to click to enlarge and to marvel.


Susan said...

It's a different picture, and I probably wouldn't hang this one, LOL, but it is interesting. I can imagine a chicken scratch would be no fun.

Lucy Corrander : Photos said...

Hello Susan. In a sense, it isn't a different kind of picture. I like to photograph what I see in the immediate surroundings - things which people wouldn't regularly pay much attention to . . . I thought a bit before posting this but I decided it 'fits' the criteria. Few would stop and look at a dead chicken and rarely would we get a chance to examine the amazingness of its feet. Also, I find it interesting that there are several families in my immediate area (which is very urban) that keep chickens and that is unusual in built-up areas of England. And, finally, I imagine it had been killed by a fox .. . . more 'natural history' backstory.

Incidentally, on the original 'Loose and Leafy' (the Dorset one) I posted about a dead goose I found on the beach. You may (or may not!) find it interesting.