Tuesday, 5 October 2021


Groundsel on wall with lichen. 25th August 2021

Senecio vulgaris
25th August 2021


Taken For Granted said...

Those are tough flowers growing on that rock.

Andy said...

Mother Nature's Rock Garden.

Susan said...

I never knew what that plant was. It's amazing it can grow on top of the rock.

Lucy Corrander : Photos said...

Hello Taken for Granted. This is a very tough and resilient plant. It grows in countryside and towns - on hard packed earth and in the kerbs of roads. It's small and mostly ignored but I think it deserves close inspection and admiration.

Lucy Corrander : Photos said...

Hello Susan. That's interesting. Do you have groundsel in America too? I never know what we have in common and what's different.

Lucy Corrander : Photos said...

Hello Andy. That's a good description. There are so many plants in walls round here I reckon I could pick just one wall and open a blog with absolutely nothing on it except the plants and insects that live on it.