Monday 29 July 2019


Sorrel or Dock seed heads. July 4th 2018. West Yorkshire.

Right month. Last year.


Taken For Granted said...

That is an impressive rock pile.

Susan said...

You couldn't prove either by me. I learn so much when I see your photos. I like it with the rock pile in the back.

Lucy Corrander : Photos said...

Hello Susan and Taken for Granted. The 'rock pile' is actually a dry stone wall. Dry stone walls are a big feature of the area and to be able to build them is a valued skill. Unfortunately, North Yorkshire (most of my pictures are taken in West Yorkshire) is at present suffering the consequence of terrible floods where the dry stone walls on farms have been swept away, torrents of water taking the carefully chosen boulders with them and scattering them round the landscape. It will take years to get them put back in place.

Susan said...

Hi, Lucy, I wondered if it were a wall. In parts of eastern New England, they have a lot of rock walls like that, built when the farmers took the stones out of the fields they were plowing. Of course, the rocks look different, but I love driving through Rhode Island, where they piled them as berms between fields instead of making an actual fence. I guess they learned to do that in the British Isles before they came here. =)